Databases checking tool
The cost of a complete mask set has dramatically increased and now represents a significant part of the overall project cost. Thus it is critical for design teams, mask data preparation teams, and mask shops to quickly validate any received database: MEBES, OASIS® or GDS file.
GOTcheck is XYALIS new generation of GDSII, OASIS®, and MEBES layout database checker.
Used during tape-out sign-off and mask ordering GOTcheck quickly identifies potential manufacturing problems early in the flow:
- missing cells, multiple-cell definitions, multiple top-cells
- unconventional angles
- corrupted geometries.
GOTcheck flags corrupted layout files and non-standard non-portable constructs in the database which are common in a GDS file.
GOTcheck replaces XYALIS GTcheck with the following benefits:
- 2X faster
- lower memory usage for largest layout files handling
- OASIS® mask native support
- New Excel© report
GOTcheck generates custom analysis reports on any layout database in a matter of seconds and in different formats (ascii or Excel).
GOTcheck is fully integrated in XYALIS layout manipulation suite and in XYALIS Mask Data Preparation solution. It handles standard layout and job deck formats: OASIS®, MEBES, GDS file and works directly on compressed of gzipped files.
GOTcheck can be run through an intuitive Graphical User Interface. It’s also available on the command line for automatic processing and easy inclusion in an existing flow.
GOTcheck provides statistics through a graphical PDF output.
GOTcheck warrants GDSII/OASIS®/MEBES layouts integrity
- Error free final processing of GDSII/OASIS®/MEBES layoutsEnsures portability of layout databases
- Safe ECO changes
- Detection of multiple cell definitions, multiple top-cells, missing cell
- Extraction of bounding-box calculation, used layers and datatypes, cells hierarchy
- Verification of non-portable constructs
- Directly operates on gzipped files